Saga Espiritual - Chadys

"Saga Espiritual" - Chadys
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Saludos cordiales:

Saludos amigos del blog!!!! Quiero darles la bienvenida a mi humilde aposento cibernético con el cual comparto desde el año 2009 lo que me apasiona en el mundo de las artes, la historiografía, la música, la literatura y la espiritualidad.

Mi experiencia; eclecticismo y pasión al recorrer todos estos mundos me inspira a compartir con ustedes algunas herramientas que me han ayudado, ya fuera porque las concebí en un momento de necesidad o inspiración, ya fuera porque las adqurí en un momento en que me impactó y conquistó.

Aquí les espero; en sus momentos de ocio o en que decidan lanzarse a navegar por los mares infinitos de la cibernética... con un café imaginario sabor esperanza. Con palabras jocosas, reseñas cuantiosas, un sabroso entremés para su diario vivir o simplemente apoyo para esos momentos de necesidad, de alguna palabra de aliento y alimento para la cimiente y el alma. Ustedes deciden qué buscar, yo les aseguro que algo encontrarán entre las páginas de este humilde eterno aprendiz de soñador.

Como escribiera en mis datos personales hace un tiempo atrás:

"I am a singer; songwriter; musician, poet, teacher and an all time dedicate learner. Hungry for everyday knowledge; Thirsty for the waters that could cleanse the soul".

Toda esta hambre y cúmulo de experiencias gratificantes y de crecimiento personal me permiten día a día atesorar en este foro el legado de quienes escogí como maestros, los momentos de la historia de la humanidad que considero no deben olvidarse, mis anhelos, mi música, mis esperanzas y algo de las investigaciones históricas que han forjado el pensamiento de este educador, historiador, comunicador, cantautor, poeta, compositor y músico puertorriqueño.

Pueden accesar a mi p
ágina web: y seguirme en Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, y CDBaby en las siguientes direcciones:

Pueden escuchar mi música en Spotify, y en mi canal de SoundCloud accesando a esta dirección:

Les invito a suscribirse al blog y recibir nuestras publicaciones recientes directamente a su correo electrónico. También pueden auspiciarme al adquirir mi primer trabajo musical, disponible en este portal exclusivamente si es audio CD (Buy it now button), y en formato mp3 directamente desde CDBaby, iTunes, Amazon, o su tienda virtual preferida.

Me despido no sin antes recordarles las palabras sencillas y profundas del maestro Facundo Cabral: "La vida es aquí y ahora mismo". Que el Padre Celestial el cual alberga todos los nombres; incluyendo el de cada uno de ustedes, les bendiga siempre.

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domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Hand in hand / Manowar - The Warrior's Prayer

Music, literature, history and spirituality can go hand in hand. They just require stronger ties to unite them with their art, and less excuses that keep dividing them.

La música la literatura, la historia y la espiritualidad pueden ir de la mano. Solo se requieren lazos mas fuertes para unirlas con su arte, y menos excusas que las sigan dividiendo.

Manowar - The Warrior's Prayer / La Oración de los Guerreros (sub. on video)

- Grandfather, tell me a story !
- Alright, go and get your storybook
- No, no, not one of those, a real story !
- A real story ?
- Yes, tell me about when you were a boy.
- Well, then I shall have to take you back
with me, a long way in time...

It was my thirteenth year on a cold winter's
day, as I walked through the enchanted forest,
I heard the sound of horses and men at arms,
I felt compelled to walk on and find the place
of these sounds, and when the forest did clear
I was standing on a hill. Before me, (there?)
was a great plain. Upon it, the armies of the
world, standing, waiting. I thought to myself,
for whom or for what are they waiting ?
Suddenly a gust of wind came up from the north.
There appeared a lone rider, holding a sword
of steel. Then from the south came another,
bearing a battle ax. From the east came a third,
holding a spiked club. And finally, from the west,
a rider who wielded a great hammer of war.
With them came their soldiers of death, followed
by an army of immortals. They were few in number,
but the look in their eyes told all who beheld
them that they would leave this day only in
victory or death. And there was a great silence...

My heart began to pound, storm clouds filled
the sky with darkness, rain came, and the four
winds blew with such anger that I held fast to
a tree. I watched the four riders raise their
weapons into the air. Without warning, screaming
their war cry. They led the attack, down to
the battle they rode. They met the armies of
the world with a mighty clash ! I could feel
the ground shake, the earth drank much blood
that day ! Each of the four, was unto himself,
a whirlwind of doom !!!!!!!!!!
When the smoke did clear, many thousands
were dead. There was much blood and gore.
Their bodies lay broken and scattered across
the battlefield, like brown leaves blown by
the wind. And I saw the four ride together
to the top of the hill, while below them the
soldiers of death assembled, all those who
would now swear allegiance to them. And the
four spoke the words of the warriors prayer...

Gods of war I call You. My sword is by my side.
I seek a life of honor, free from all false pride.
I will crack the whip with a bold mighty hail.
Cover me with death if I should ever fail.

Glory, Majesty, Unity
Hail, Hail, Hail

And as I stood and looked on, I heard the
armies of the world hail them without end, and
their voices of victory carried long and far
throughout the land !

- Well that's it. Did you like the story ?
- Yeah, it was great !
- Oh Good, I'm glad. Now off to bed with you.
- Grandfather ?
- Yes ?
- Who were those four men ?
- Who were they ? They were the Metal Kings !!!!!!

Manowar - The Blood Of The Kings / La Sangre de los Reyes (sub. on video)

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