Saga Espiritual - Chadys

"Saga Espiritual" - Chadys
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Saludos cordiales:

Saludos amigos del blog!!!! Quiero darles la bienvenida a mi humilde aposento cibernético con el cual comparto desde el año 2009 lo que me apasiona en el mundo de las artes, la historiografía, la música, la literatura y la espiritualidad.

Mi experiencia; eclecticismo y pasión al recorrer todos estos mundos me inspira a compartir con ustedes algunas herramientas que me han ayudado, ya fuera porque las concebí en un momento de necesidad o inspiración, ya fuera porque las adqurí en un momento en que me impactó y conquistó.

Aquí les espero; en sus momentos de ocio o en que decidan lanzarse a navegar por los mares infinitos de la cibernética... con un café imaginario sabor esperanza. Con palabras jocosas, reseñas cuantiosas, un sabroso entremés para su diario vivir o simplemente apoyo para esos momentos de necesidad, de alguna palabra de aliento y alimento para la cimiente y el alma. Ustedes deciden qué buscar, yo les aseguro que algo encontrarán entre las páginas de este humilde eterno aprendiz de soñador.

Como escribiera en mis datos personales hace un tiempo atrás:

"I am a singer; songwriter; musician, poet, teacher and an all time dedicate learner. Hungry for everyday knowledge; Thirsty for the waters that could cleanse the soul".

Toda esta hambre y cúmulo de experiencias gratificantes y de crecimiento personal me permiten día a día atesorar en este foro el legado de quienes escogí como maestros, los momentos de la historia de la humanidad que considero no deben olvidarse, mis anhelos, mi música, mis esperanzas y algo de las investigaciones históricas que han forjado el pensamiento de este educador, historiador, comunicador, cantautor, poeta, compositor y músico puertorriqueño.

Pueden accesar a mi p
ágina web: y seguirme en Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, y CDBaby en las siguientes direcciones:

Pueden escuchar mi música en Spotify, y en mi canal de SoundCloud accesando a esta dirección:

Les invito a suscribirse al blog y recibir nuestras publicaciones recientes directamente a su correo electrónico. También pueden auspiciarme al adquirir mi primer trabajo musical, disponible en este portal exclusivamente si es audio CD (Buy it now button), y en formato mp3 directamente desde CDBaby, iTunes, Amazon, o su tienda virtual preferida.

Me despido no sin antes recordarles las palabras sencillas y profundas del maestro Facundo Cabral: "La vida es aquí y ahora mismo". Que el Padre Celestial el cual alberga todos los nombres; incluyendo el de cada uno de ustedes, les bendiga siempre.

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domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

Human Rights.

"Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities," - Pope Francis
Pope Francis: the humble pontiff with practical approach to poverty

Jorge Mario Bergoglio swapped grand residence for small apartment and used public transport

Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the new Pope Francis, on the balcony of St Peter's Basilica. Photograph: Dylan Martinez/Reuters
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has become the Catholic church's 266th pope, is the choice of humility, a Jesuit intellectual who travels by bus and has a practical approach to poverty: when he was appointed a cardinal, Bergoglio persuaded hundreds of Argentinians not to fly to Rome to celebrate with him but instead to give the money they would have spent on plane tickets to the poor.
Something of a surprise choice – he was quoted as a 30/1 outsider going into the conclave – the archbishop of Buenos Aires was one of the leading challengers to Joseph Ratzinger during the 2005 conclave that elected the latter as Benedict XVI.
A champion of those who rejected liberation theology, he was considered a candidate that everyone in the higher echelons of the church respects. He becomes the church's first Latin American pope.
Much is made of his humility: he gave up the grandiose setting of the cardinal's residence in the Argentine capital for the trappings of a small apartment, and rejected the notion of a chauffeur driven car for public transport.
Bergoglio, who will take the name Francis as pope, was born in December 1936, one of five children of an Italian railway worker. He reportedly had a lung removed while a teenager, due to an infection. He taught literature and psychology in Argentina before being ordained in 1969. He was created a cardinal by John Paul II on 21 February 2001.
Unlike other cardinals, he has been untarnished by the various scandals rocking the Catholic church, and is thought to want to make reform of the Curia a priority. He was a fierce opponent of Argentina's decision to legalise gay marriage in 2010, arguing children need to have the right to be raised and educated by a father and a mother. But he takes a slightly more pragmatic view on contraception, believing that it can be permissible to prevent the spread of disease. He is ecumenical, believing in interfaith dialogue.
In 2009 Bergoglio made headlines when he criticised the government of Néstor Kirchner, husband of current Argentinian president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, claiming it was "immoral, illegitimate and unjust" to allow inequality in the country to grow. "Rather than preventing that, it seems they have opted for making inequalities even greater," he said. "Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that creates huge inequalities," he said at the time.

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